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Trapped Emotions Can Lead to Physical Pain

If you find yourself dealing with intermittent pain, such as headaches, knee pain, back pain, or neck pain, it's important to recognize that this is not a natural state for the body. Recurring pain is your soul's way of getting your attention. It signifies that there may be unresolved emotions within you that need to be addressed and released in order for you to experience freedom from pain.

By becoming more attuned to the pain in our bodies and recognizing the emotional component behind it, we can clear both the emotions and the physical pain. In this way, we can live a healthier life, both physically and emotionally.

Join Matt O'Neill as he explores a never-to-be published chapter of his book regarding subconscious emotions manifesting as physical pain in our bodies.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

The reason subconscious anger can cause so many problems

The primitive aspect of human personality

Pain in our bodies is a sign of suppressed anger

Understanding the link between pain and emotions

How to muscle test yourself to identify trapped emotions

Exercise to release trapped emotions

How to deal with anger

[02:29] The Reason Why Subconscious Anger Can Cause So Many Problems

The impact of subconscious anger stems from societal conditioning that portrays anger as a negative emotion. As children, we expressed anger openly, resembling tantrums and outbursts. However, as adults, we suppress and conceal our anger, having learned to hide it from punishment and societal expectations. This suppression leads to unresolved anger residing within us, often unbeknownst even to ourselves. Many individuals claim not to be angry, yet the truth is that most adults harbor unexpressed and suppressed anger, tucked away in their subconscious mind, manifesting in various ways.

[12:54] Pain In Our Bodies is a Sign of Suppressed Anger

If you find yourself dealing with intermittent pain, such as headaches, migraines, shoulder aches, knee pain, back pain, or neck pain, it's important to recognize that this is not a natural state for the body. Physical pain is typically meant to be acute and serve as a warning sign that something is causing harm. Just like how a rock in your shoe would cause pain in your foot, prompting you to remove it for relief, recurring pain is your soul's way of getting your attention. It signifies that there are unresolved emotions within you that need to be addressed and released in order for you to experience freedom from pain.

[29:44] Exploring the Hidden Emotional Roots of Pain

When you are feeling pain in your body, ask yourself these questions: Are you feeling overwhelmed and burdened by the demands of your life? Perhaps you're carrying too much and need to make a change. It may be time to prioritize self-care and create space for relaxation. Do you feel that others are not respecting your boundaries, and do you need more personal space? Being honest about the true source of your tightness or pain is the key to healing it completely. Once you acknowledge that emotional elements contribute to your pain, it will start to diminish. To avoid future pain accumulation, revisit these questions and address them honestly.

Notable quotes:

[01:22] When you start to get really in tune with pain in your body... that is when you start to open up... to really manage your emotions in a much better way. [01:45]

[12:54] If physical pain keeps coming back, your soul is trying to get your attention. Most likely, there is an emotional blockage keeping you from being pain-free. [13:05]

[27:17] Being honest about the true source behind your tightness or pain is the solution to fully healing it. [27:23]

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