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Stressed Out? That's a Good Thing with Adam Roach

Stress is actually what makes you happy. In this episode you will learn that the higher your level of stress, the higher your level of life satisfaction will be. The only caveat to this rule is that you must have hope in a bright future as you endure your stress for your life satisfaction to be high.

In this episode, Matt is joined by Adam Roach, CEO of I Love Coaching as they discuss the incredible insights from the I Love Coaching Summit. Matt and Adam explore how stress does not have to be seen as a negative thing and can actually make us stronger when we learn to reframe our mindset. They also share valuable lessons about surrounding ourselves with uplifting people who support our personal growth.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

How Dr. Ryan Smith stepped into fear and embraced stress

Why stress is good for you

Auditing your who’s and how to find your who’s

Lessons from John Maxwell

[07:03] Why Stress is Good for You

Stress, often seen as a negative force, can actually be a catalyst for personal growth and development. Research shows that reframing stress in a positive light can make you stronger, more resilient, and a better version of yourself. Engaging in activities that push you out of your comfort zone, such as public speaking, can lead to adaptation and the creation of new neural pathways that benefit you. Moreover, studies suggest that moderate stress, coupled with hope for a brighter future, can increase life satisfaction. Difficult challenges and stressors, while challenging to endure, have the potential to strengthen relationships and family units. Finally, stress can inspire innovation, foster creative thinking, and enhance leadership skills when faced with significant obstacles or changes.

[15:45] Auditing Your Inner Circle: Building a Supportive Community for Growth

In order to create a supportive and uplifting environment, it's crucial to audit the people you surround yourself with. Find individuals who not only lend a listening ear and shoulder to lean on but also offer genuine support, just like Matt did. These are the people who will help lift you out of challenging situations and provide the guidance you need. However, before assessing your community, it's important to establish your overall vision. Whether it's happiness, personal growth, or strong family connections, defining your vision sets the foundation for your journey. As you evaluate the individuals in your circle, ask yourself: Are they lifting you up or dragging you down? Seek out a community that genuinely supports your goals and allows you to be authentic.

Notable quotes:

[16:01] Audit your “who’s” – Surround yourself with individuals that you can share your shit with… to lift you up out of that shit or… to have a shoulder, to have an ear – and then help you. [16:16]

[18:15] You should be auditing the people around you at all times [18:20]

[18:28] What is the overall vision? And as you look at the people who are your community around you, are they, are they lifting you up?... Or are they holding you down? Are they a community that you can actually go to, be real authentic with? [18:43]

[31:36] Our purpose, though, from a spiritual standpoint, is to bring God's kingdom into everyone's world. And our assignment is our passion. [31:43]

Resources Mentioned:

I Love Coaching

I Love Coaching Summit 2024


10x Is Easier Than 2x

Be Your Future Self Now

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About the Guest

Adam Roach is an entrepreneur and CEO of I Love Coaching. He is also the founder of the I Love Coaching Summit, an annual event focused on whole life wellness. Adam has built a successful coaching business over the past decade and is passionate about empowering coaches to change lives.