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Live Beyond Happy with Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell

In a world chasing happiness, how do you find true and lasting joy? In this episode, you will learn the 5 powerful ways to live beyond happy, including creating your own definition of success, leaving it all on the field, and serving a purpose greater than yourself.

Join Matt O’Neill as he interviews intuitive business coach Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell. Lynita shares her insights on how to live a successful life, which she defines as living a life of peace, joy, and fulfillment.

It's time to live your life beyond happy!

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

Finding success from within

How to find peace

Five ways to live beyond happy

[02:49] Finding Success From Within

In the midst of a life filled with external achievements and accolades, the weight of stress began to take its toll. It was a wake-up call when Lynita discovered that her daughter found her passed out from exhaustion one day. She then realized she needed to redefine her notion of success. It couldn't be solely based on material possessions like clothes, cars, money, and fame. She had to find something deeper, something that would allow her to be present for her kid as she grew up. Unsure of where to start, Lynita embarked on a journey within herself, creating a new list of priorities that aligned with her true values. She crafted a blueprint for her own happiness, letting go of the expectations imposed by others. It was time to stop ticking someone else's boxes so she paved her own path to fulfillment.

[14:29] 5 Ways to Live Beyond Happy

1. Create your own definition of success rather than following someone else's definition. Focus on intangible things like peace, joy, and fulfillment. Happiness and joy differ in their nature - happiness is derived from external factors, while joy comes from within. It's crucial to discard societal definitions of who we should be and how we should live, and instead, forge our own path.

2. Leave it all on the field. Do your best with what you have in each moment and don't dwell on what could have been better. Be grateful for the opportunities and experiences.

3. Debunk the myth that being busy is the same as being productive. Cut unnecessary things off your plate so you have space to enjoy life.

4. Serve a purpose greater than yourself. Come within to understand what truly fulfills you rather than just saying yes to everything to seek approval.

5. Live your modern life by setting your own daily practice for peace. See challenges as opportunities for growth rather than problems.

Notable quotes:

[05:53] There will never be enough money… because that is not what brings joy. That's what we're all really chasing is – joy – not happiness. [06:06]

[14:39] We have to put aside someone else's definition of who we are and we have to create our own. [14:47]

[16:30] There's nothing else that we want than to be happy... But we're never taught how to do that. [16:43]

Resources Mentioned:

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About the Guest

Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell is an intuitive business coach who teaches her clients to live life on fire. Not only has she built an award-winning law firm and a publishing house, Lynita is also a number one bestselling author, a certified public accountant, an ordained New Thought minister, and recognized nationally as an outstanding community leader.