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Everything is Grace with Kimberly Braun | The Good Mood Show with Matt O'Neill

In this enlightening episode of The Good Mood Show, host Matt O'Neill engages in a deep and inspiring conversation with Kimberly Braun, an ordained minister, Reiki Master, and former monastic nun. Kimberly shares her insights on seeing grace in every aspect of life, even in disappointment, and how everything is, in fact, a form of divine grace. She delves into the concepts of love, overcoming fear, and understanding one's calling, drawing from her experiences and her book, "Miracles in the Naked Light." This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom on accessing inner guidance and embracing the power of love over fear.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:
Lessons from her book, Miracles in the Naked Light
What it means to be love
How fear gets in the way of love
How to know you’re following your calling
How to tap into your calling
How is everything grace
[02:36] Lessons from Her Book
Miracles in the Naked Light offers profound insights on embracing authenticity and deepening our spiritual connection. Contrary to the romanticized image, monastic life often brings up unconscious fears and wounds for healing, rather than offering constant peace and serenity. By letting go of our defenses and embracing vulnerability, we open ourselves up to experiencing grace in every moment, making miracles a part of our ordinary lives. Prayer has transformed for Kimberly, becoming more about opening her vibration to connect with the Divine, experiencing the Beloved within herself in a wordless way.
[06:52] What It Means to Be Love
To be love means to express oneself without reservation, not worrying about acceptance or rejection. It means being the source of love itself and engaging in the dance of love through giving and receiving with others and the world in an open exchange of energy. Ultimately, to be love is to embody love in one's very being so that a presence and vibration of love is what one radiates wherever they go.
[12:44] How to Know You’re Following Your Calling
Some signs that you may be following an authentic calling rather than just your ego include experiencing a wordless peace, a sense of expansion rather than tension or contraction, and natural inclinations to lean into the calling even if it's scary. As you get to know yourself more intimately through practices like meditation, you can learn to discern the subtle cues within yourself to distinguish between a calling from a higher source versus projections of the mind.
[17:32] Everything is Grace
Kimberly suggests reframing the perspective on difficult life experiences by saying "everything is grace for me." When viewed through this lens, even challenging situations that involve loss or suffering can be opportunities for growth, as they push us to reflect more deeply and make positive changes that may ultimately lead to greater fulfillment, wisdom and understanding. Rather than seeing experiences as purely negative, focusing on how they can cultivate important life lessons frames them in a way that finds meaning and benefit.

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For more information, visit Kimberly Braun's website at