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4 Habits to Increase Optimism - Lessons from Shawn Achor

Boost your mood and optimism with four habits that will change your life. Discover the research-backed strategies that Matt learned from happiness expert Shawn Achor. Optimism is one of the strongest predictors of career success and life satisfaction. These four habits take as little as two minutes each day and will increase your gratitude, reduce your stress, and strengthen your social connections.

Join Matt O’Neill this week and take on the 21-Day Happiness Challenge to boost both your well-being and success. Because everything gets better when you feel happier.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

Why happiness is elusive despite achievements and external factors

The pursuit of happiness

How negativity works and the key to true happiness

The four habits to increase optimism

The 21-day Happiness Challenge

[06:25] Rediscovering True Happiness Within

In our pursuit of happiness, we often look to external factors. We believe that achieving certain goals or possessing certain things will bring us joy. We work tirelessly to earn enough money, find a life partner, have children, and eventually retire, all in the hopes of attaining happiness. But despite all our efforts, we still find ourselves feeling unfulfilled. The truth is that happiness is not found in these external circumstances; it resides within us. If we strip away all negative thoughts and patterns, what remains is the innate happiness of our being. However, society has conditioned us to believe that happiness is contingent upon material achievements and societal milestones. We are taught to believe that if we can just reach the next level, then we will finally be happy. But time and again, we realize that these milestones only provide fleeting satisfaction. It's time to shift our perspective and realize that true happiness is not found in the pursuit of external validation, but in embracing the happiness that already exists within us.

[11:04] The Key to True Happiness

The power of emotions is contagious, as both negativity and positivity can spread from person to person. Our brain's mirror neurons and empathy enable us to unconsciously absorb the emotional states of others, impacting our own mood. While removing negative people from our lives isn't the solution, fostering inner positivity allows us to be a beacon of happiness amidst suffering. Putting on our happiness armor each day, we can uplift and inspire those around us, making a positive difference in the world.

[22:43] The Four Habits to Increase Optimism

The four habits to increase optimism discussed in the transcript are:

Write down three new things you're grateful for each day.

Go for a 15-minute brisk walk 4-5 times a week.

Take two minutes each day to watch your breath through mindfulness meditation.

Spend two minutes a day sending praise or thanks to someone new via text or email.

Notable quotes:

[06:41] Everything we do, we're trying to be happy. Well, then why aren't we?... because we're chasing after happiness in the wrong place. [06:52]

[12:07] Negativity is contagious. And so is positivity. What are you spreading? [12:15]

[13:11] Become so good at your internal happiness that your mood lifts everyone around you. [13:32]

[16:42] Everything improves with happiness. [16:45]

Resources Mentioned:

The Happiness Advantage is a book written by Shawn Achor

You Are the Happiness You Seek by Rupert Spira

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