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Jan. 25, 2024

Using Bad Moods as Keys to Unlock Good Moods with Rozlyn Warren

Using Bad Moods as Keys to Unlock Good Moods with Rozlyn Warren

Unlock the secret to perpetual positivity! In this exhilarating “Good Mood Boost” episode we dive into how to turn bad moods into good moods. 

Host Matt O'Neill and Rozlyn Warren, an intuitive coach extraordinaire, unravel the mysteries of our minds and how our mental language creates our moods. They delve deep into the art of transforming negative emotions into stepping stones for positivity. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to conquer their inner critic and embrace a life of joy and resilience. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

  • How our thoughts shape our lives

  • Maintaining good mood through self-awareness

  • How to turn bad moods around

  • The DANCE journaling process

  • Shifting focus from negative thoughts to positive actions

[01:19] How Our Thoughts Shape Our Lives

The thoughts we consciously and subconsciously think on a regular basis ultimately shape our experiences of the world. By focusing on certain types of thoughts over others, we can influence our beliefs and outlook, which then impacts the situations and outcomes we go on to encounter in life.

[02:07] Maintaining Good Mood Through Self-Awareness

Notice when you start feeling negative and question the thoughts contributing to that mood, as many surface thoughts aren't truly yours but from outside influences. Use mindfulness techniques like deep breathing to step back from thought loops and gain perspective, then challenge any assumptions fueling the bad mood by asking for evidence. Identify what you really want in that moment, such as feeling good, and take action to shift your state, such as expressing gratitude for positives in your life to boost your mood and perspective. 

[07:44] How to Turn Bad Moods Around

The key is using bad moods constructively by gaining insight into thought patterns and consciously choosing thoughts that feel better. Release any negative assumptions or beliefs that may be contributing to a bad mood. Stop attaching meaning and stories to everyday occurrences in ways that bring our mood down. View negative or "not good" moods as opportunities to gain insight, rather than just wallowing in negativity. Use bad moods productively rather than fighting them.

Notable quotes:

[01:19] The thoughts in our heads create the reality of our lives. [01:23]

[01:35] The thoughts in your head – 99% of them – do not even belong to you. They are thoughts that you have picked up along the trail. [01:45]

[08:13] Use your “not good” mood to show you your good mood. [08:22]

Resources Mentioned: 

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About the Guest 

Rozlyn Warren is an LA-based intuitive wealth and abundance coach who helps clients manifest prosperity and positive change through mindset work. With over 15 years of experience in the personal development field, Rozlyn offers one-on-one coaching, workshops, and online programs focused on mindfulness, intuition cultivation, and conscious thought transformation.