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Dec. 4, 2023

Thrive with Routines, Mindset, & Helping Others with Derick Johnson

Thrive with Routines, Mindset, & Helping Others with Derick Johnson

Are you looking for practical strategies to help maintain a positive mood and thrive each day? In today’s episode, veteran life coach Derick Johnson shares his tips for implementing simple routines, social connections, and exercise to help you stay in a good place – mentally and physically.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

  • Clearing the path to change

  • Morning routines and self-care

  • Managing emotions and finding calmness

  • The power of asking better questions 

[02:00] Clearing the Path to Change: Eliminating What Doesn't Serve You

To make meaningful changes in your routine and overall well-being, start by examining and eliminating things that don't contribute positively to your everyday life, such as unhealthy relationships, digital distractions, and physical clutter. By creating space through this process, you take ownership of your energy and pave the way for a more fulfilling lifestyle.

[04:52] Morning Routines and Self-Care for a Successful Day

To set yourself up for a successful day, Derick emphasizes the importance of establishing a consistent morning routine that includes one activity for the body and one for the mind. Options such as exercising or going for a walk energize the body, while practices like visualization or meditation promote calmness and focus. Keeping the routine simple with just one or two activities prevents feeling drained. Self-care activities are also important such as prioritizing sleep, staying hydrated, and nourishing your body with nutritious meals to support overall well-being.

[17:18] Emotional Management: The Power of a 10-Minute Window

Derick introduces the concept of a "10-minute window" as a powerful tool for emotional release and self-regulation. Within this designated timeframe, you have the freedom to fully express your emotions, whether it involves shedding tears, venting frustrations, or finding solace in nature. By allowing yourself this brief but crucial period of emotional release, you regain control over your emotional state, breaking free from the cycle of constant highs and lows. 

[22:15] The Power of Asking Better Questions to Reduce Social Anxiety

When you shift your focus from yourself to the other person, it reduces your anxiety levels and alleviates the pressure to perform. Ask thought-provoking questions about their work, hobbies, recent challenges, or interesting experiences to pleasantly surprise them and move beyond mundane small talk, fostering genuine connections. 

Notable quotes:

[02:00] Get rid of something that is not serving you today [02:17]

[09:45] I'm going to create but I'm not going to consume. Create more, consume less. [09:49]

[24:02] Asking good questions is like a cheat code for anxiety nowadays. [24:05]

Resources Mentioned: 

Derick’s website: 

Follow Derick Johnson on Instagram @fitwithderick2

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About the Guest 

Derick Johnson, a highly sought-after life coach and trainer, is an exceptional US Army veteran who has empowered hundreds of clients and companies to enhance their mindset, health, and business. A three-time "Soldier of the Year" awardee, Derick uses his remarkable leadership skills and dedication to serve others in his coaching practice, helping individuals overcome challenges and achieve happiness, health, and success through personalized routines and mindset shifts.