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Jan. 8, 2024

Happiness = Progress: Setting Big Goals with Matt King

Happiness = Progress: Setting Big Goals with Matt King

Happiness equals progress. When you are progressing in your career, you are probably pretty happy with your career. If your marriage is progressing in a positive direction, you’re going to be happy with your marriage. But if your career is going backwards, or your marriage is declining, you are not going to feel very happy.

In this conversation, Matt O’Neill sits down with goal setting expert Matt King. Matt shares his insights on how to cast a giant vision by setting goals in different areas or "gardens" of your life. He discusses the importance of surrounding yourself with an empowering environment or "tribe" and provides strategies for finding your peer group. Matt also offers specific examples of the goals he sets in areas like health, relationships, finances and more. You will come away from this episode inspired to progress the happiness in your life.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

  • How to set a five-year vision for your life by writing as your future self

  • How your environment or tribe impacts your energy

  • Strategies for finding your tribe

[07:56] How to Set a Five-Year Vision for Your Life

Setting a clear five-year vision is one of the most powerful things you can do to achieve success. The process is to literally time travel five years into the future through journaling as your future self, getting very specific about relationships, health, career and financial accomplishments achieved while being compelling yet realistic. Then review this vision regularly and set measurable annual goals in areas like health, relationships, and finances to program your subconscious that your ideal future is possible. Give yourself the best chance to achieve it through intentional goal-setting and action.

[22:12] The Power of Your Environment: Surround Yourself With Eagles

Environment and tribe have a profound impact on your energy. Matt stresses the importance of intentionally surrounding yourself with "eagles" or high performers rather than "pigeons." Assess who your current "tribe" is and find opportunities to get involved where achievers congregate. You become the average of the five people you spend most time with so you must choose to fly with eagles if your goal is an abundant life.

[25:20] Connecting with Your Peers: Strategies for Finding Your Tribe

Matt recommends you look locally for someone doing what you want to do and reach out by offering specific value and appreciation without asking for anything.  Request a short initial meeting and follow up by reporting actions and insights while thanking them and potentially donating to causes they support, as this establishes you as someone who gives value first and makes people more open to helping you.  It's about building authentic relationships over time rather than just asking transactionally, allowing you to gain access to an empowering peer group that can help take your goals to new levels through their guidance and connections.

Notable quotes:

[23:44] You need to protect your energy and you need to understand that through osmosis, you will attract whoever you're around or the life that you're around. [23:52]

[23:59] If you take a performing individual in a workplace and you put them within 25 feet of a high performer, their performance will increase by 15%. [24:08]

[24:22] Whether we want to believe it or not, energetically, we become the people we spend the most time with. [24:27]

Resources Mentioned: 


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About the Guest 

Matt King is an entrepreneur, investor, and the CEO of GoBundance, a tribe of millionaire entrepreneurs, leaders, and investors. Matt is passionate about personal development and helping others achieve their potential.