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Jan. 30, 2023

Experience Your Full Humanity with Simran

Experience Your Full Humanity with Simran

The full spectrum of your humanity is beautiful. You get the highs, and the lows. Life is not meant to feel comfortable all of the time.

In this episode, Simran and Matt discuss how to show up fully to each present moment. Be sure to listen to the exercise at the end of this episode. Matt implemented Simran’s five-minute ritual into his day and it made an immediate impact.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • Humanity is experiencing all of life’s emotions
  • Looking at every experience as your personal amusement park
  • Finding clarity to know when you’re meant to sit or act
  • How we’re trapped by the illusion of money
  • The three-breath exercise that can change your life

[02:52] The Magic of Experiencing Humanity

Humanity is the full experience, expression, and embodiment of everything that we are. Simran likens humanity to every color in the crayon box, from anger, depression, jealousy, sadness, and loss –  to happiness, bliss, peace, understanding, forgiveness, and unconditional love. However, most people only want the lighter spectrum in the crayon box and not the darker part.

[15:38] The Mastery of Your Environment

The journey of the soul is not about being comfortable, but about mastering your environment. In order to do that, you have to clarify what is worth your time, what fulfills you, and what brings you joy and peace.

[27:48] Trust and Surrender

We have to get away from this condition or idea that life has to look a certain way. Because it's very hard to live in a space of complete trust and surrender, and at the same time, trying to take control. Once we learn to surrender, we start to open to a greater power within ourselves.

Notable quotes:

[03:13] - Humanity is the full experience, expression, and embodiment of everything that we are. [03:19]

[15:38] The real journey of the soul is not about life being comfortable or easy. [15:49]

[28:15] Working smart doesn't necessarily require muscle. But it does require presence and alignment. [28:22]

Resources Mentioned:

The Sophia Institute

11:11 Magazine

11:11 Talk Radio

Living: The 7 Blessings of Human Experience

Conversations with the Universe

Download the Good Mood Toolkit here!

THE GOOD MOOD SHOW Podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Anchor, and more… About the Guest

Simran Singh is a catalyst for love, compassion, and humanity. In addition to being an award-winning author, she published the 11:11 Magazine, and she is the host of the 11:11 Talk Radio show, a weekly show since 2009.